Category Archives: Napping
Guest Napper #181: Riding in Place

On this day when so very, very many Americans are beyond frustrated by the infuriating futility of government activity…well…I give you this: Riding a bike in a tent. And that is all. Ahem.
Guest Nappers #179 and #180: Spectators Snoozing
The cool thing about writing Naps Happen is that you eventually become the go-to social media destination for any and all friends who witness a post-worthy nap. That is exactly what happened this summer, when I was pinged by my college friend Peter, whose kids had fallen asleep on the pavement while waiting for a …
Guest Napper #178: Basket Case
Remember how I told that story about my cat squeezing himself onto the napkin basket? Well…you know. I told you so. It looks like people like to squeeze themselves into baskets, too. Looking at her, you might think she carefully chose this spot for her nap and then peacefully folded her hands and drifted off. …
Guest Napper #177: Cramped Collapse
I had this big, fluffy cat once who insisted on trying to balance his large bottom on our tiny napkin basket in the kitchen. For some reason, he was convinced he was small enough to sit comfortably upon it. Note: We did always discard the offending top napkin after Kitty had left. This little guy …