Category Archives: Parenting
The Eruption of Mt. PEEP
Although much of the country appears to be locked in the eternal embrace of Old Man Winter, we’ve got some sweet and sunny spring around here. You know, at least the stores are chock full of PEEPSĀ®. YOU KNOW. PEEPS. If you don’t have fond memories of eating them as a child, you are probably …
Guest Napper #152: Cuddly Contortionist
I’ve been doing really well about getting to the gym lately, so YAY ME! As a result, I’m looking and feeling better. I think all that regular stretching is doing me a lot of good, what with the constant computer-sitting and keyboard-tapping. Well, anyway, I was feeling smug about my flexibility until I saw this …
Guest Napper #151 (+1): Groggy Gear

It seems like, no matter what, people continue to have opinions about moms, their choices, and their workloads. I just wish everyone would agree on the fact that moms, everywhere, are shouldering a ton of responsibility and really pulling their weight…and sometimes someone else’s. Literally. This New York City mom lives carless, so she had …
Guest Napper #150: Computer Crashed

The D.C. area is about to experience SNOWQUESTER, so we’re all battening down the hatches here. Wegmans is like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, because nobody wants to go through a 24-hour storm without a healthy supply of bananas. Potassium, apparently, is a vital need. Look what happened to Max, after all. You need to eat …