The Tedium of Sisyphus and Joshua
This shot represents a day when I felt we were making progress, because William conked out near his bed. I can’t figure out how this arrangement happened, exactly.
From the looks of it, I’d say he was reading Once Upon a Potty and working on his phonics with the alphabet apple. But the utter boredom of reading, again, about “I, Joshua’s mother, have always changed him, keep changing him, and will never STOP CHANGING HIM AND WILL BE DOING IT IN PERPETUITY!!!!” must have slain his wakefulness and caused him to seek refuge from the tedious Joshua, his repetitive mother, his potty-gifting grandmother, and the aforementioned potty-that-looks-like-a-chamber pot. Only sleep could save him. Heck – only sleep saves me.
Meanwhile, seeing William engrossed by Joshua’s tiresome potty story, Bunny tried to scale the bedrail and make a break for the promised land…only to slip off the bed again and fall cruelly back like Sisyphus — on top of his boy and the floor.
Keep pushing that rock uphill, Bunny. Someday, you will get there.
- Posted in: Kids ♦ Napping ♦ Parenting ♦ bed rail ♦ bunny ♦ chamber pot ♦ Once Upon a Potty ♦ promised land ♦ sisyphus ♦ tedium