Author Archives: Naps Happen
I have often had the desire to nod off at my computer, but at least I wait until I get to work. Apparently, just watching his father code is exhausting enough. No personal exertion was required. I feel the same way, buddy.
Sweet Sunday Snooze
This is certainly not William’s most ludicrous or uncomfortable nap, although the upright lean in the chair is not your average comfy position. But it was such a sweet little snooze that I thought it was entirely appropriate for a lazy Sunday. I promise a more awkward nap to spice up Monday.
Mad for Plaid
As those first crisp October days dawn, demanding that we delightedly dust off our cozy cold-weather clothes, it is important to review fashion rules about mixing plaids…or not mixing them. Blue Puppy was too busy catching drool to help out with the fashion faux pas here, but Bunny tried desperately to cover the evidence of …
How Did THIS Get Here?
Since it’s a crazy Friday night of online chat (that’s what’s cool, right? right?) I thought I’d salute you all with what looks like a photo from college. Didn’t most of us wake up at some strange angle in our dorm room beds at some point and say “how did that _______________ get here?” And …