Author Archives: Naps Happen
O True Apothecary!
Of all the naps I’ve captured, this one had to be the most graceful…the most balletic. It’s like he and Blue Puppy are part of a Shakespearean tragedy. Put this in any sippy cup you will, And drink it off; and, if you had the strength Of twenty puppies, it would dispatch you straight. Don’t …
Toy Coma #1
There’s so much going on here that I don’t know what caused the collapse. Was it the taxing reading material? The heavy stacking cups? The tennis? Or did he somehow knock himself out while kicking off his shoes? We’ll ask him when he comes to.
Limbs akimbo!
One of the most amazing things is how he sleeps peacefully, for hours, looking like he just plunged off a 50-story building. Good thing Bunny breaks his fall.