Tag Archives: crib
Guest Napper #173: Saved by the Diaper

All I have to say is, thank goodness diapers have lots of padding. Over and out.
Guest Napper #158: Crib Notezzz
This is the time of year when those of us who are college teachers begin to wonder why we bother. Personally, I teach at night. You know what I’m seeing a lot of lately? At least my students have access to caffeine. Something tells me this little dude is free of such helpful pick-me-ups. He’s …
Behind Bars
Friday is such a special time of the week, right? You’re dragging your sorry backside across the finish line, but it feels good. Cormac didn’t make it, though. I came back from my workout to find that Cormac had decided to have an early nap on the floor of the childcare room at the gym. …
Guest Napper #47 – Conked Out Cobra
As Kurt Vonnegut George Washington The Great Pumpkin Chicago Tribune columnist Mary Schmich famously said during a commencement speech over a decade ago, Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’98: Wear sunscreen. Breaking a long nap strike, Beta Dad’s “Twin A” (a.k.a. Cobra) has fallen asleep prepared for a lifetime of sun safety, as Mary Schmich …