Tag Archives: napping
Guest Napper #176: Ambiguous Mask of Sleep
It’s that time of year again, when the two-month Halloween holiday begins. Across the land, parents begin hearing the common refrain: For Halloween, I want to be…(fill in stupidly difficult costume here) I’ve been lucky. For the last few years, both of my kids have wanted to wear the same storm trooper costumes over and …
Guest Napper #175: All Dolled Up.
We all love our kids, but sometimes parenting can be downright exhausting. It’s best this little lady learn that lesson early. It looks like she is finding playing house to be a little taxing. I CANNOT IMAGINE WHY?!! Can you? Take heart, my child. At least you can still nap while the dolls are napping. …
Guest Napper #170: Smelly Snooze
We all know that one of the drawbacks to the start of school is the difficulty of getting out the door in the morning. Perhaps this guy knows better than anyone. Okay, well, maybe he’s too young for school. Sometimes those busy Fall schedules can be kind of stinky, though. Especially if you decide to …
Guest Napper #169: Hair in Your Face?

Last week, as I was pushing my way through Target, finding hook after empty hook where TICONDEROGA #2 PENCILS and PACK OF 30 GLUE STICKS used to be (sob) I think I would have liked to follow this girl’s example. Apparently, this saintly guy let the kid ride around on his shoulders like this for …