Tag Archives: twins
Guest Napper #193: Plop into Plank

I’m told by the mother of this remarkably ab-strong child that she is a twin. Here’s the kicker: She’s the “active” one. Apparently, this photo is funniest when you apply the dramatic irony that, nearby, her sister is quietly upright and reading “The Wheels on the Bus.” Meanwhile, this wee lassie looks like she has …
Guest Nappers #122 and #123: Doubled Over
It won’t take much for me to explain why I loved this twin nap. Apparently, Lance and Austin refused to take a nap for their daddy. As we all know, though, the siren song of sleep is impossible for children this age to resist for long. The result was, as you see, that Lance succumbed …
Guest Napper #10 (Or Maybe #11). Redux.
You’re not going to recognize this guy, but he appeared not too long ago with his identical twin in just about the best tandem nap EVAH. The problem is, I can’t tell which boy he is. You can hardly blame me. The only important thing to know is that this boy is having a very …
Guest Nappers #10 and #11
Ohhhh, do I have a great (super great) Friday surprise for you all. You’ve seen solo naps. You’ve seen tandem naps. But a tandem twin nap? That is only possible thanks to the generous contribution of my friends Christy and Dave, who have identical twin boys (plus another boy…they deserve their own tandem naps. Stat.). As …