Guest Napper #184: Nose in a Book
How fondly I remember those long afternoons I spent reading as a kid. Whether it was Nancy Drew or The Chronicles of Narnia or Ballet Shoes, you couldn’t tear me away from my beloved books. Sometimes I would sit and eat a stack of American cheese slices while I read for hours.
Okay, that part might not have been such a good idea. Burp.
Anyway, at least from the reading perspective (regardless of cheese consumption) I’m thinking this girl is my kindred spirit.
People like those newfangled digital readers now, but I prefer the old fashioned reading experience. I mean, those flat electronic things won’t balance on your face very well and they create static on your facial hairs.
Here’s hoping your kids apply themselves to intellectual pursuits over the weekend. Happy Friday!
- Posted in: Uncategorized ♦ Ballet Shoes ♦ books ♦ C.S. Lewis ♦ Chronicles of Narnia ♦ Nancy Drew ♦ Noel Streatfeild ♦ reading
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