Monkey See Monkey Not Do
When you have a second child, everyone and their mother says “Just get them on the same schedule so you can have some time to yourself!” Well, I applaud these fabulous moms who manage to mold their children’s schedules to the perfect afternoon moment of silence (during which they are angelically snoozing in their little beds) but I was never, ever able to arrange this. I’m not saying it never happened, but it rarely happened…and never due to any kind of special skill on my part.
This is a more common scene from my neither-golden-nor-silent afternoon.
What you see probably follows an hour when Cormac (the little one) was sleeping peacefully and William (the big one) was demanding cartoons, juice, and a visit from the Rockettes.
But it never fails.
No sooner has William gone facedown than Cormac is faceup. And in William’s face. I’ll leave you to ponder what happened next…