Author Archives: Naps Happen
Squishiest and Most Secretest…
You will not be surprised to hear that, the day this nap occurred, I had trouble finding my son. He was wedged behind the toddler armchair in his bedroom. It seemed perfect for today, though, because I just made my Thanksgiving Week trip to the supermarket. Now, of course, every holiday week is hell …
Toxic Shock
Well, I really just have to say that I knew it all along. This appalling photo (shield your children’s eyes) shows the grim reality of what Kraft Cheese and Macaroni can really do to a human being….or a puppy. It sits there, looking so innocent. Mealtime staple of thousands of toddlers across the country. But …
Toddler Twister
I realize that this nap is on a couch (yawn) but I was taken with how William can make a perfectly comfy couch nap into a perfectly uncomfy, awkward position. I mean, really, it looks as if Telly the Teaching Time Clock is just anxiously awaiting that moment when he can sound his alarm and …
(S)ave (O)ur (S)leep…
Some day, digital archaeologists will happen upon this picture and know that William collapsed tragically into an uncomfortable nap while spelunking under our kitchen table. He attempted to signal me, using morse code and this flashlight, but he and his companions eventually succumbed to the soporific qualities of that comfy wool rug and surrendered to …