Author Archives: Naps Happen
Guest Napper #3
I grateful to Sue for this napping genius, who doesn’ t even need to lie down in order to refresh himself. This is going to serve him really well if he can still do it when he’s grown up. And judging by the ring around his mouth, he may have also eaten something …
Teenage Dream
I see the future. Weekday morning. 7 a.m. William will STILL not be out of bed and he will be nearly late for school. I will open the door and say “WILLIAM! You are GOING to be LATE!” and he will cover his head with his pillow just like this and say “WHATEVER, MOM!” Bunny …
Workday Pick-Me-Up
Which one of us hasn’t had one of those days when we actually considered if we couldn’t hide under our desk and take a nap? Well, William just says Carpe Diem. He actually crawled under here while I was sitting at the computer, working. As you can see, he squeezed Bunny and Puppy under there, …