Category Archives: Parenting
Guest Napper #141: Lethargic Laundry
We’ve packed away the holiday decorations, but I’ve noticed there’s one other mountain of stuff that I’ve still got left over from December. The laundry. Oddly, it is almost entirely composed to children’s pajamas, which we appear to have been wearing non-stop for weeks. This little guy appears to feel similarly overwhelmed by the pile …
Guest Napper #140: Sleep, Don’t Eat
It’s right about this time of December every year when my misbehavior catches up with me. Quite simply, I cannot eat another bite. Almost. Anyway, this little guy has slid underneath his parents’ kitchen table while they were putting his brother to bed, and he appears to be pretty much done with dinner. In any …
Guest Napper #139: CAT NAP (really)
This blog has been going for years now. How can it have taken us this long to post a cat nap? Dozing dogs, we’ve had aplenty. Why not a furry feline? Wherever you find comfort this festive (and sometimes furry) season, try to make sure you’re not on the bottom of the dog…er…the cat pile. …
Guest Napper #138: Papasan Pretzel

When Kristi at The Robot Mommy sent me this picture, she didn’t realize what a service she’d done me. You see, I was shopping for new chairs for my boys for Christmas (after the inevitable, eventual demise of The Naps Happen Chair of great napping fame) and I had thought…maybe I should get them papasan …