Pseudo Snooze
Being a truthful nap aficionado, I have to come out and say that (as you can see) he is not REALLY sleeping here. However, this moment was too funny not to post on this Easter holiday, because I did really come in the room to find him like this — a victim to a strange Easter egg coma.
To all who celebrate, may your hams be honeybaked and may your bunnies have solid ears.
Much Love…Team Naps
Lunchtime Lethargy
I promised you more pictures of Cormac sleeping at the table, and I will not disappoint.

Showing excellent balance
Judging by this performace, I’d say he’s not far from being able to sleep standing up. At very least, he is going to be awesome at sneaking that little post-lunch snooze in algebra about fourteen years from now.
Let’s hope, by then, he will have given up the pacifier.
Happy Friday!
Stretchy Snooze
Speaking of naps that double as exercise, check out this version of a spinal twist.
This is just another in a series of naps my boys have undertaken for the improvement of their backs.
A wider shot, of course, shows Cormac’s utter mockery for the concept of soft sleeping. Not only has he removed all the cushions from the sofa bed, but he has pushed them out of view to clear himself a nice, woolly, carpeted space for his stretches.
Next up, a little cat/cow stretch? Who can say.
Yawning Yoga
There’s something composed about this nap that really takes me back to the first time this guy tried Pilates. I have to say, though, that sleeping unmercifully on top of your best friend is probably not in the spirit of one’s practice.
As a longtime fan of yoga, however, I have to appreciate the pose he has achieved, wherein his one leg balances effortlessly as he sleeps. Or is he about to do some toning exercises?
Also less-than-peaceful is the wider shot, where you can see that he is about to have a basket (albeit a basket of blissful nothingness) come tumbling down upon his relaxation pose.
The boy may last a long time in this peaceful pose, but I think Blue Puppy may make a break for it.