Tag Archives: nap
Guest Napper #133 – Guardian of the Gifts
This has been a new kind of holiday season for me, because both of my boys have become aware of Santa at the same time. Every time they ask for something they saw on TV, I tell them to go tell the Elf on the Shelf. Cormac turned to me yesterday and earnestly whispered, “Mama, …
Guest Napper #129 – Under the ZZZZZ
It’s Monday. Which of us isn’t secretly wishing we could hide behind our desk and have a nap? Things are no different in Ninja Mom’s home office. Her son Roo has wrapped himself up all mermaid-like in his sister’s Ariel blanket and chosen a quiet spot in which to ignore his work. I mean HER …
Guest Napper #126 – Face Down Foodie
Friday is always a great day to post to have a nap. Personally, I enjoy a burrito from time to time. Of course, I don’t usually try to multitask my burrito and my nap into the same scheduling slot. Melissa’s son did, though. I can’t tell how much of the burrito he managed to eat …
Guest Napper #120 – Canine Cuddle

This morning, we found my son’s Blue Puppy stuck in the branches of our neighbors’ tree. I’m not sure if he left it there, in a fit of imagination, or if they kindly hung it for us to find, like a lost mitten. Either way, he loves his stuffed friend. I’m sure he’d much rather …