Wishful Thinking

This is a scene that I fear will not be taking place around 8pm tonight.

Wishful thinking, Mom

No, I don’t care overmuchly if my kids take a sandal to bed with them, but I am afraid that there will be no sleeping after the sugar rush that is due to take place in less than 12 hours.

Cormac is dressings as a contortionist.

Here, you can see that sleep overtook them so quickly that Cormac didn’t even have time to put his hand down. Or perhaps that’s another of his secret baby hand signs.

The Music Man

William, on the other end, appears to have been in the middle of composing his great opus when sleep overtook him.  Or perhaps he was accompanying Cormac while he tried out some Irish hand dancing?

Either way, this type of deep sleep will be but a dream for me later tonight. Cue up the candy bowl and hunker down for the long haul, folks.  Happy Halloween!

Snooze and Lose

Well folks, it’s my birthday.  You know in When Harry Met Sally when Sally wails “And I’m going to be forty….some daaayyyy!”  That day is now just one year away for me. Where did my life go? How did I become older than the oldest age of the main characters in When Harry Met Sally? 

This all makes me feel like taking a nap.

Luckily for me, I got the most fabulous nap photos while Dan and the boys were baking my cake. Like any good father, Dan gave the boys the icing bowl to scrape, and they fell upon it like wolf pups, wielding beaters and rubber spatulas. You’d think this type of activity and its inevitable sugar rush would keep your children UP. We like to be different here.

All sugared out.

I actually witnessed this in action, but the camera battery was dead and I missed making a video of Cormac’s arm slowly dropping the spatula to the ground.  This happened in a matter of seconds, while Dan’s back was turned. William, ever the opportunist, was unfazed.

Hm. Guess this means I get it all?

Having a twitching, snoozing toddler next to him only seemed to fuel his desire to consume the last traces of frosting from the bowl.

You snooze, you lose, buddy.

Cormac’s sleeping expression makes it seem almost as if he KNOWS he has lost his remaining share of the bowl.

Eh. There will be other cakes.

William exacts his pound of flesh frosting for past insults from his brother.

I think you missed a spot, William.

Happy Birthday to Mom!

Dreams of the Deck

I really thought this would never happen again.  My oldest (our original napper!) is getting so big and hardly ever takes a strange nap (or any nap) anymore.  That’s why this one was such a sweet surprise.

Crash Nap It does look like he was strolling across the threshold with his juice and just went splat.  That’s not really what happened, though.

I saw him go face down on purpose and give his tell-tale snuggling.  The settling cue.

Crash NapBecause nothing says “sweet dreams” like splintery deck boards.  Plus, he’d had a very hard morning at preschool, being the guy in charge of “attendance.”

Exhausted from a long shift?

Exhausted from a long shift?

I think there might have also been some Gene Kelly action, a la Singing in the Rain. Or was he auditioning to be the next Morton’s Salt model? I’m wondering…

Crash NapAnd then there’s the need to constantly defend oneself against the younger brother, who has recently cultivated a really good evil laugh.

kid asleep on deck

Please send Scooby Snacks.

In the end, though, even the 3yo wanted to be a cool kid.

Crash Nap DuoFor those of you who ask the inevitable question – the 5yo’s deck nap lasted for over an hour. Out cold in the cold. Well – not really. It was pretty warm out. I’m just kidding.

Take a last nap on your decks if you can. WINTER IS COMING!


Guest Napper #42

As I prepare to take Cormac to his toddler gym class this morning, this guest nap from Sam proved to be just the ticket.

Apparently, Waverly is having trouble adjusting to her toddler bed.  At least, that’s what Sam says. My take on the situation is that she is just really darn comfortable.  In the past, I’ve hazarded a guess at the future occupations of my guest nappers. My first thought here is “trick rider.” You know – like those people who hang upside down off of moving horses?

Half wheel - more good yoga

At very least, this accomplished relaxer knows how to put her feet up.  She’ll just have to beware of that head rush when she stands up.

You know – like we old people get every morning.