Cuddly Cartnap (you heard me!)

It’s nothing special to pull off a catnap. But what about a cartnap? How about a tandem cartnap?


I’ve been hearing a lot about the Black Friday madness going on out there, and I think people just need to chill out.  Clearly, my boys agree with me.  In fact, they see no reason not to catch up on some sleep while Mom drags them through the shopping.

With a little help from my friends…

For all the times I’ve had to hear “Mama! He’s pushing me!” this was a welcome moment of peace and quiet.  It’s nice to see brothers helping each other out once in a while, right?

To everyone already out there in the fray, and to those of you who are preparing to venture forth…you are CRAZY, PEOPLE!

Happy Turkey Day from Naps Happen.

Guest Napper #49 – Puppet Party

This week, I was talking with some friends about their sons’ obsessions with things like trains and firetrucks. When I asked one of these firemen-obsessed boys if he’d like to be a fireman when he grows up, he thoughtfully informed me, “I don’t know. I can be lots of things.” Serves me right for asking a patronizing question.

Well…mom Lacey may be facing the reality that little Evelyn is a born puppeteer. Apparently, she cannot be separated from her puppets even in sleep. As Lacey put it, this nap was an exceptional “Two Mooser.”

Furry Friends for Thanksgiving

I have to say, though, that Lacey may have brought this upon herself. I mean, I haven’t even bough my boys ONE moose puppet. That’s tempting fate, if you ask me.

May the day before Thanksgiving find you grateful for whatever passions your children may pursue. Even if they involve puppetry.

...and to all stuffed creatures a good night.

Cue the pie and make it sweet!

Breakin’ the Law

I guess, after all this time and all these naps, you’re just going to yawn when you see this and say, “Oh, Cormac is on the floor AGAIN.”  And, it’s true, naps on the floor are nothing new at my house.

Here we see your typical snore on the floor.

Mmmm. Comfy.

Knowing our middle school science, we look at this photo and assume he fell off the ottoman. After all, “what goes up must come down, right?” Lucky he didn’t conk himself on that high chair!  But wait…is that really how this story unfolded? I can tell you from the order in which I took the pictures that we defied gravity.

Snooze the First

Interesting spot he chose.

and he left his juice behind!

But then I left the room and returned a few minutes later…and this is what I saw.

Defying Gravity

Looks like he realized the ottoman was comfier and managed to haul himself back up there…mostly. I wonder how long he’ll stay? The lesson he has ahead of him: Obey gravity. It’s the law.

For now, he triumphs.

Sadly, we will see soon enough that, around here, a body at rest doesn’t stay at rest. Chaos will soon ensue.

Guest Napper #48

So I heard about this guy somewhere who has been camped out in front of Best Buy for days already, wanting to be first in line on Black Friday. Sort of like Occupy Big Box, I guess.

My friend Rachel caught her daughter Sarah in a nap that makes me think of him, although I suspect she is a far more sensible person…albeit a preschooler. Apparently, she is occupying Rachel’s family room, but it looks for all the world like she’s resting up to spring into Target on November 26th.

Gearing up for the big opening?

Note that Sarah is wise enough to hydrate, as well. That should give her the edge when she’s waiting in a huge line at the checkout for two hours.

Personally, I like William’s plan to buy everything online. He has been camped out under my desk so he can be first to the keyboard.

Whatever your method of shopping will be a week from today, may you meet with many bargains.