Tag Archives: holiday
Guest Napper #139: CAT NAP (really)
This blog has been going for years now. How can it have taken us this long to post a cat nap? Dozing dogs, we’ve had aplenty. Why not a furry feline? Wherever you find comfort this festive (and sometimes furry) season, try to make sure you’re not on the bottom of the dog…er…the cat pile. …
Guest Napper #138: Papasan Pretzel

When Kristi at The Robot Mommy sent me this picture, she didn’t realize what a service she’d done me. You see, I was shopping for new chairs for my boys for Christmas (after the inevitable, eventual demise of The Naps Happen Chair of great napping fame) and I had thought…maybe I should get them papasan …
Guest Napper #134 – Waiting for Weather
This week, those of us in the D.C. area who aren’t petrified by the prospect of (gasp) WINTRY MIX were briefly tantalized by the possibility of the first light snow of the season. Sadly for Santa watchers, all we got was a frigid downpour – in my opinion, the worst type of gloomy weather. Nevertheless, …
Guest Napper #103 – Stubborn, but Snoozing
On Wednesday night, the neighborhood started setting off small fireworks just after we’d tucked the boys into bed. Ahhhh, the things you never know until you are a parent. That 9pm is a seriously bad time for parents to hear fireworks! Of course our kids had their faces glued to the window until at least …