Tag Archives: parenting
Guest Napper #163: Sandbox Snooze
If only, as parents, we could find the park so very relaxing. Julie from I Like Beer and Babies sent me this very gritty-looking nap. Apparently, her daughter was so exhausted from outdoor activity that she crashed out in the pea gravel. Yeah, see, that’s no sandy beach, people. I guess, as a parent, there have …
Guest Napper #159: Black Swan Dive
I have two boys, but even I cannot fail to notice IT IS DANCE RECITAL SEASON, MY PEOPLE! My own lovely nieces just performed in a dance recital and every other friend I have on Facebook is posting tutus galore. What none of my well-meaning friends realize is that they are giving me PTSD (Post …
Guest Napper #158: Crib Notezzz
This is the time of year when those of us who are college teachers begin to wonder why we bother. Personally, I teach at night. You know what I’m seeing a lot of lately? At least my students have access to caffeine. Something tells me this little dude is free of such helpful pick-me-ups. He’s …
Guest Nappers #156 and #157: Concrete Crash
Awhile back, I posted a picture of my son napping on the sidewalk in his coat. There were skeptics. Well, naysayers, I give you Exhibit B…as in Be-Well-Rested. Be-One-With-the-Incline. If I didn’t actually know the woman who sent me this, I’d have trouble believing it. Having long heard of the exploits of these two whipperNappers, …