GUEST NAPPER #100! It’s a TEN!

A perfect dismount.

When you’re number #100, you’ve got to put in a good showing, and I really think Miya does that. Eva sent me this picture and explained that Miya completed this snoozy stunt while they were visiting with her grandparents.


Apparently, she slept like this for the entire nap. It’s a fitting flop for Friday, if I do say so myself.

Yay #100 Guest Nappers!

To celebrate this big day, I am foolishly STARTING AN ENTIRE NEW PHOTO BLOG. No, it’s not April Fool’s.

Got any amazing baby bed head pics? Click on over to my new blog, Dastardly ‘Do and read on…

What happens after the nap.

Thanks for napping, everyone. It’s been an amazing ride.


Guest Napper #99 – Soporific Socks

Well, folks, I won’t need to tell you why I’ve been looking forward to posting this one. Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand…well…a thousand something.

Debra sent me this picture of Johnette, who became exhausted by sorting the backlog of family socks and decided to refresh herself midstream. Looking at it makes me feel a strange urgency about cleaning out my own sock drawer.

Time to declutter?

Perhaps this is a good idea for parents everywhere, who are already going nuts with their kids at home for the summer? Just dump out the sock drawer and see what happens! We have a heat advisory today, so I’m thinking this isn’t a bad idea. If socks are soporific, that is.

Looks like she’s socked herself away for a long summer’s nap. (Ba dum DUM!)


Guest Napper(s) #98 – Duplicated Doze

As part of the ongoing Dadapalooza Endless Father’s Day Celebration (it sounds exciting, doesn’t it?) I am sharing this excellent Friday photo Katie sent me of her son Owen and his Dad.

In this case, we have a visual confirming the old saying, “Like father, like son.”

Simon Says...take a break!

My advice to Katie is to channel this compliant behavior into something really useful, like vacuuming. Then it would be Momapalooza every week!

Here’s to a great weekend for kids and their dads everywhere…and naps all around!

Guest Napper #73 -ReDADux (I’ll Be Here All Week)

After my horrifying mistake of last week, when I announced that Father’s Day was coming a full week early, I received this great Dad and Son nap from Danielle, who has provided a great couch nap before.

Scoot over.

I guess Christopher is just not great at making it completely onto the couch. But it doesn’t look like he got that gene from Dad.


If anyone else has a really super Dad-and-kid nap, you have a few days left in the Naps Happen DADAPALOOZA to get it in.

We’ll be here, napping.