Guest Napper #97 – Dozing Daddies

Valerie sent me this adorable picture of her wee one sharing a snooze with her Daddy, and I knew it was just the right picture with which to send you off (EDIT: ONE WEEK EARLY – I HAVE LOST MY MIND FOR GOOD! OH WELL – WHY NOT CELEBRATE FOR A WEEK?)  for the Father’s Day weekend.

So angelic when they’re napping. Both of them.

It reminded me of this picture of my own Dad having a nap with me – I think this is late 1972 and it was taken while he had a position teaching at the Air Force Academy. Being a teacher, I understand this type of end-of-day exhaustion!

Love a dad in uniform!

Happy Father’s Day (IN ONE WEEK) to all the great dads out there and may you get to sleep in on Sunday. Or maybe have a nap.

Love, Naps Happen

Traveler and Tile

Apologies to all for the long absence of Team Naps Happen. We’ve been enjoying a blissful vacation on the coast of Maine, where I was far too busy constantly washing sand out of the clothing of small boys to actually post a darn thing.

Of course you know that there’s no way an entire week on vacation will go by without an unorthodox NAP. People, people. Do you know us at all?

This is what happened last year. click.

That one is pretty hard to top, especially now that Cormac is a little older and more discerning. However, I found it funny that he got his blankie, came inside, and then laid himself down on the cold, hard tile floor for his very long snooze.

Roughing it in the great room.

I especially like his energetic backdrop, compliments of our friends’ LIGHTNING MCQUEEN TENT! (that feels like it should be in all caps – sorry).

As proof that he was there for quite a spell, his grandpa took a picture showing the sun passing over him, later. It was a gorgeous, sunny day and we were all enjoying the sea view on the deck while he recharged his little battery.

It’s a lazy afternoon.

Hey – vacation is about relaxation. If  a man can relax, even on a cold tile floor, and wake refreshed? More power to you, little buddy.

Vroom vroom. ZZZZzzzzzzz.

He looks much more peaceful than his brother was in the night, later that week. William sat up in his sleep and yelled “I left my scone at the lighthouse! Don’t eat it, Cormac!”

To each his own special dreams.

Peace out.


Guest Nappers #95 and #96 – Tussling Twins

This photo Laura sent of ADORABLE twins Connor and Nora is perfect for today.

Just like the back seat battle.

It beautifully exemplifies the fate of millions of siblings as they crawl into the backs of their parents cars and prepare for a verrrry long drive. When I was a kid, we traipsed all over Northern Europe and the U.S. in the back of our 1979 VW Rabbit. My brother and I even used to flip a coin to decide who was going to get the slightly roomier spot behind my mother.

Because, you know, you take what you can get when the car is that small.

Sometimes James and I would be slumped in our respective corners, listening to our walkmans (walkMEN?) and doing Mad Libs. Most other times, however, one of us was taking an elbow to the temple and screaming “(S)he’s ON MY SIIIIIIDE!” My folks reminisce that, once, they said “Let’s just let them go at it and see when they stop,” but they had to bail on this plan because we were heading for certain physical injury.

Ahhhh…good times.

As you all head out on your trips, envision this peaceful photo of sibling harmony and do some chanting. Ommmmmm.

Thanks to Laura and may you all arrive at your destination safe and without a black eye from your sibling!

Guest Napper #94 – Cuddly Companion

There’s a lot of buzz out there right now on Facebook and Twitter, with moms discussing the imminent end of school and the looming summer break.

(insert nervously hysterical cackle)

You folks have LOTS of togetherness ahead. We all do.  But it looks like Rose may have a little more togetherness ahead than some of us.

Experiencing lower back pain upon waking?

Okay, come on. It’s adorable!

If only all summer moments could be this peaceful. Stay strong, parents…