Guest Nappers #92 and #93: Dreaming While Delayed

Memorial Day is almost here. Are you gearing up for a delightfully relaxing family vacation?

(insert evil laugh)

Amanda sent me these pics of her kids asleep in the most comfortable and hygienic of places, all thanks to family travel.

Likes a firm pillow.

I especially like how this one seems to be praying for the imminent end to this vacation.

Now I lay me down to sleep…

Now I sit me down to wait

I fear I’ll never leave this gate

If this plane more delayed shall be

I pray you all should pity me

Um…over and out.

Nearly the unofficial start of summer travel, folks! Stock up on the juice boxes and the DVDs…

Guest Napper #91- Kamikaze Cushion

Shop ’til you drop just took on a whole new dimension. And why not? It’s Friday, after all.

Future Olympic sport?

Cori Anne sent me this awesome picture of her son, who has scored just about the most comfortable cart a store can offer. When I saw it, the super dork in me thought how much Cori Anne reminds me of Joss Whedon’s version of Buffy – improvising handsomely with any tool at hand.

This kid is slaying me, really.

Happy Friday, folks. Try to stay upright in your carts.

Disclaimer: An adult was present at all times with this snoozing child and no nappers were harmed in any way during the execution of this cart nap, which the judges have given a 91 out of 100 possible points. 


Behind Bars

Friday is such a special time of the week, right? You’re dragging your sorry backside across the finish line, but it feels good.

Cormac didn’t make it, though.

Behind baby bars.

I came back from my workout to find that Cormac had decided to have an early nap on the floor of the childcare room at the gym.

Underneath the crib.

Thank goodness the wonderful woman there is a friend of mine. She took some GREAT photos! Thanks, Dianna!

Rockin’ the Jailhouse

He didn’t even take his coat off before crawling under here to zonk out. But, hey, any mom knows that when you get a chance to take a nap, you go to sleep almost with panicked speed. Why shouldn’t kids do the same? I think I’d sleep in my coat, too, if I knew I could squeeze in some shut eye.

In the words of the immortal Elvis, You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see

Happy Friday, sleepyheads! Wishing naps to everybody in the whole cell block.

Guest Napper #90 – Flexible Flop

You know when you wake up and you just feel like you slept at a strange angle?


Or perhaps that you were trying to do a “bboy” style shoulder spin in your sleep? Nah, me neither.

Bethany saw her daughter sleeping like this and had to decide if she should wake her or let her lie. Guided by the predominant parental wisdom never to wake a sleeping baby, she risked the neck crick.

Apparently, the child woke fresh as a daisy.

Doubters – 0. Sleep Lovers – 1.

May your Monday be free of muscle relaxants. If…that’s what you want.