Guest Napper #41

If I don’t post this now, I’ll have to wait, as the grammatically challenged might say, a “whole ‘nother year.”

Oh, yeah.  You heard me.  This writing teacher is using her nap blog to finally start complaining about annoying grammar trends.  Tomorrow, I might choose a whole ‘nother one.

Anyway, if I don’t post this summery (not summer-LIKE, TV meteorologists…) floating nap soon, it will be too autumnal (not FALL-LIKE, TV meteorologists…) outside for us to truly appreciate it.  Instead, we’ll just say “Brrrrrrrr” and think that it’s way too wintry (Oh yea – it’s ON meteorologists.  WINTER-LIKE is goin’ down, too) to enjoy the peaceful scene it represents.

Grammar griping aside, just take a quiet moment and listen to the water lapping gently at the edges of this picture, as little Reid drifts off to dreamland.

Let's post this swimming nap before it's a MUTE POINT. (cough)

Thanks to Robert and Brittany for this picture. They promise they removed Reid from the water before he became tragically PRUNE-LIKE.

Go forth and please avoid begging any questions, folks.  I guarantee, you are using the expression wrong.

Guest Napper #39

This picture Anne Marie sent me of her son John pretty much summarizes how I’m feeling as we drag our tuschies across the finish line to the weekend.


Overstimulated much?

Why do we all do this to ourselves?  Why do we put ourselves voluntarily on the unrelenting exersaucer of life?  Surrounded by so many buttons, devices, and strenuous activities that we can’t keep our eyes….open…any….zzzzzzz.

Guest Napper #38

I feel a little sorry for this poor starving baby, who is trying to eat her own toes.

Flexy McFlexerson

See – even the effort of reaching those delectable toes turned out to be too much for her.  She slipped into a deep sleep and mom Bree  found her here like this.

The zen of plump digits

Hungry or not, I think baby Helene has a future in yoga, if she so desires.  Those hip openers will be no problem.  Even her face is relaxed! We should all be so disciplined.

Rest peacefully, little yogi.

Dire Dreams

127 hours…of napping?

The boy is lucky I found him like this.  He is old enough to know that when he plans hiking in the family room by himself, he should tell someone where he is going.  As you can see by this photo, he took a nasty spill trying to bridge the couch and the ottoman.

Crevasse NapEven his blankie couldn’t save him (although my toes are a dead giveaway that he will not need to amputate any limbs with his safety scissors in order to be rescued.)

Crevasse Nap

Wait! Stop! I’m down here!

Poor baby.  See how his arm is feebly raised overhead, as if he collapsed from exhaustion after trying to summon help?

Sleep Tight

All’s well that ends well…

I can tell you this much: he’ll be up and at ’em again in no time.