Guest Napper #104 – Beauty…no, Booty Sleep

I’ve been working really hard to get my garden producing actual, edible vegetables this year. You know, edible by us and not just for the critters who seem to end up devouring my three tomatoes and one squash each year.

Well, I have to say, this picture Laurel sent me of her daughter really felt familiar. I mean, gardening just wrings the life out of me sometimes.

Give those garden pests the boot!

What I really like is that she has managed to scrounge a third boot for her respite. I mean, you gotta have your galoshes in the garden.

Lots of them.

Sigh. I wonder if she’s dreaming up new ways to make my compost better? Look at her…she is listening to the whispers of Mother Nature! Gifted child.

Go forth and commune with nature. Just be sure to bring extra footwear.



Guest Napper #103 – Stubborn, but Snoozing

On Wednesday night, the neighborhood started setting off small fireworks just after we’d tucked the boys into bed.

Ahhhh, the things you never know until you are a parent. That 9pm is a seriously bad time for parents to hear fireworks!

Of course our kids had their faces glued to the window until at least 10pm – even after we had gone in our own room and turned off the lights. Thankfully, we peeked into their rooms a little later and saw that they had collapsed in their beds (albeit heads at the wrong ends) eventually on their own.

This all reminded me of a couple of pictures Sterling sent me of his granddaughter Lilly.

stubbornApparently, Lilly has been doggedly preferring to snooze upright in the lap of a grandparent than to go to her bed. She issues a silent protest when the law is laid down.

Hm. Dry mouth.

Grandparents: 1.  Lilly: 0

Of course, who knows who won the next night?

May your weekends be full of early bedtimes…both children and parents!

Have you checked out our new blog yet?  Come on over! 

Guest Napper #102 – Olympic Dreams

I know this makes me a freak, but I was raised in a non-sports household. By that, I mean that despite the fact that my Dad was a manly military guy, we never, ever turned on a professional sporting event the entire time I was growing up. One time my parents accepted an invitation to a Superbowl Party to be convivial. When they got there, they appalled the rest of the guests by cheerily asking who was playing? Apparently, it was the local team. Or state team. Or whatever you say when your team is playing in the Superbowl.

Anyway, you get my point.

And now the Olympics are coming again and I brace myself for a summer in which I cannot escape constant discussions about every sport on the planet…and even some activities that are suspect as “sports.”

Lillin sent me this picture of Alexis. I am concerned that she is developing yet another tedious Olympic sport. Say it isn’t so!

So, you hit the ball with your head and then dive for the slippers…

Only I’m not sure if the Olympics allows sleeping as the final leg of a sport, so that could be (as we English majors are wont to say) “problematic.”

The committee will get back to you on this one, with a ruling. Just right after afternoon siesta.

By the way, we started a new blog! It’s called Dastardly ‘Do and it’s for all of you whose kids may only ever nap in their beds, but they wake up with world-class bed head. Check it out!

Guest Napper #101: Counterproductive

Mary shared this great picture of Henry, who appears to be a very flexible sleeper even at an advanced stage of childhood. May we all be this lucky with our kids.

THIS was the best he could do?

It looks like that exhausting coloring was just too much for him. But, seriously, why not crawl down from the stools and find a more…continuous surface? My abs are killing me just looking at him.

I guess any parent with kids home for the summer would wish for this right now, so bravo to Henry!