Guest Napper #160: Dirty Laundry
This weekend, my kids broke their pop-up hamper. How? Walking around with it on their heads.
Why do children like to put hampers on their heads? In the words of the venerable Dr. Seuss, “I do not know, go ask your Pop!”
Just don’t ask the poor pop-up hamper. In fact, be very quiet and don’t say anything at all, because it seems that a hamper is also an excellent place to take a nap.
So the next time you feel like crashing rather than doing the laundry, consider this option. Just remember, before you can sleep in the hamper, it MUST BE EMPTY, but, by all means, don’t let that hamper your napping efforts.
Just carry on.
Nappers Galore: Happy Dad’s Day!
With all the excitement over crazy weather and the beginning of summer vacation, let’s not forget that this weekend is Father’s Day! I’m willing to bet that most dads out there would rank a nap right up there with most fervent wishes for their big day.
Forget brunch.
Well, I’m not one to let people down when it comes to sleep, so I have collected a few photos of sweet snoozes a few of our dads have had with their tots. As you will see, even for grown ups, perfect conditions are not necessary when it comes to grabbing forty winks!

Did you ever dream that something was suffocating you? Photo compliments of Buttoning My Jeans

This nap, appropriately, from Night Light Stories!
Last of all, a retro nap. This is me, with my own Dad. As you can see, he’d had an exhausting day in his job as an Air Force officer, and I’d had an exhausting day…just being exhausting, probably.
Let’s all take a moment this weekend to appreciate the many wonderful dads out there…and then give them some peace and quiet!
We love you.
Guest Napper #159: Black Swan Dive
I have two boys, but even I cannot fail to notice IT IS DANCE RECITAL SEASON, MY PEOPLE!
My own lovely nieces just performed in a dance recital and every other friend I have on Facebook is posting tutus galore.
What none of my well-meaning friends realize is that they are giving me PTSD (Post Tutu Stress Disorder) by bringing back the sad memory of missing my first dance recital due to chicken pox. My parents also share this pain, since they had to spend the day playing five hundred rounds of Candyland with me.
Anyhooo, I temper your cheerful dance pictures with this little beauty. I am assured that the Dancer of Light is sleeping, even though it looks like she’s been felled by the Dark Ballerina.
If your child has to miss the matinee due to an untimely nap, do not despair. It’s still a few months before tryouts for The Nutcracker.
Enjoy the show!
What to Expect? A NAP, of Course!
Whether or not this is good for humanity, I am offering advice.
For those of you who have wondered what my magic sleeping secrets are, I am revealing them over at What to Expect When You’re Expecting.
Come on over and find out if the organic napping movement is for you! 😉